Kingston League Round 2

CONGRATULATIONS to our trampolinists who competed in the second round of the Kingston League

We are so proud of you all! Keep up the hard work!


u11 f foundation

Evelyn - 4th

Isabelle - 9th

This was both Evelyn and Isabelle’s very first competition and they performed brilliantly!

U11 f novice

Layla - 3rd

Naomi - 6th

Paige T - 8th

U11 f intermediate

Paige J - 2nd

Victoria - 4th

Isla - 5th

U13 f intermediate

Alicia - 3rd

15+ f intermediate

Bethany - 4th

U13 f elite

Aniela - 2nd

U15 f elite

Erin - 2nd

U11 M elite

Noah - 1st