Holiday Camps

We offer Gymnastics for All and Trampolining Camps for boy and girls aged 5 to 16 years old. Children have fun on all apparatus.
We also run Preschool Gymnastics Holiday Camps for walking to 4 years during the Easter and Summer school holidays.

Our Holiday Camps Are Open To Members And Non Members

School holiday times can become a little repetitive for children, so Aspire Gymnastics Club is offering a wonderful alternative via our fun packed Holiday Camp sessions. We are offering 1 hours sessions for Preschool Children (18 months to 4 years old) and Fab 4's & 5's.
We also offer 2-hour and full day sessions for children 5 years old and over.

One minute they will be:-

Swinging on the bars

Bouncing on our fast track

Jumping off the beam

When are our next Holiday Camp?

We will be running holiday camps during the next half-term holidays – details of these sessions will be provided soon.

How do I book and how much do they costs?

Our Preschool and Fab 4’s & 5’s sessions cost £6.00 each.

Our Gymnastics for All (5+) sessions cost £11.50 for each 2 hour session and £25.00 for the full day


Payment will be required at the time of booking.

You can book onto one, two or more sessions via the button below.

Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis

All session are delivered by fully qualified British Gymnastics Coaches