
Preschool Gymnastics
For walking to school age
Sessions providing fun and excitement, that helps to develop social and physical skills in a safe environment.

Gymnastics for All
For boys and girls aged 5 to 16, plus our Fab 4’s (for 4 years only)
The focus of our GfA sessions is Fun, Fitness, Friendship and Fundamentals, through Gymnastics with or without apparatus.

Trampolining and DMT
For boys and girls aged 5 and over
Trampolinists will get to train on both our sunken trampolines and also our freestanding trampoline and Double Mini Tramp (DMT)

Women's Gymnastics
For 5 years old and upwards.
Gymnasts train on all 4 apparatus, being Floor, Beam, Vault and Asymmetric Bars

Men's Gymnastics
For 5 years old and upwards.
Gymnasts will train towards all 6 apparatus, being Floor, High Bar, Vault, P-Bars, Rings and Pommel

Holiday Camp
For boys and girls aged 5 to 16
Our open to all Holiday Sessions, provide fun across all apparatus within the Gym including Floor, Beam Vault, Trampoline and Bars